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    I am 100000% here for this.

    Or a Preat!….man I bloody hate smush words.

    I love the idea that if the girls rang it all they'd get would be a busy signal too, so I'm all for believing that's on purpose.

    I respectfully object to the "next level batshittery" comment. Fandom is such a huge place that assuming an entire group of people who might read or write the same pairing all do it for the same reasons is…not the right thing to do. (I was going to say 'batshit' but my hypocrite alarm was blaring.)

    Ff.net or the AO3, which had it's fic data on the bloody main page for data breakdown perusal.

    I enjoyed that the fandom for every other rec was mentioned, but not Stargate Atlantis, for Written By The Victors. Too obscure for the article's audience? I was surprised but kind of glad it was on there though (that is, if Speranza is okay with it) simply because goddamn that story is fucking amazing.

    I feel like 90% of fandom goers graduated from ff.net to LJ almost as soon as they realised LJ fic communities existed? I definitely recall ff.net being known as The Pit almost immediately after I found it. And AO3 is the most well run user friendly fic archive out there, and this guy is referencing Wattpad? I've

    After reading this, I remain firm in my decision to not see it, because it sounds like the Men in Tights version is 100 times better and I don't want that one ruined by association with this movie.

    Lol yeah, remember how he drew up an image of his attackers and everyone at the Sheriff's station were laughing at him because it was literally a drawing of a masked ninja?

    Aha, you're most welcome :)

    I agree, if it isn't directly Peter, it's probably someone involved.

    Oh, you're right! I forgot about that. Don't know how I did though, I forgot that if something or someone we've never seen before is in focus during a scene, they're definitely going to come back into play by the end. Like the jar of tea on the shelf and the patient zero girl.

    "Malia knowing doesn't make it so Peter instantly knows" - pretty sure Lydia told Peter last season Malia is his daughter, didn't she?

    When I'm watching an Ametican show, I never really notice the accents - till they're suddenly put up against an Aussie one, and then I'm like, "Yeaahhhh, we sound A LOT different."

    This was a really random, but really, really, enjoyable article to read. Thanks!

    Not just teenage girls crying - I turned 26 the day this episode aired and my housemate poked her head out of her room, worried about me.

    It's four whole 12 episode arcs away from the pilot - I'd be incredibly disappointed if it hadn't grown and changed.

    These books got so bloody dark as the series neared it's end. SPOILERS: I'm pretty sure Rachel died during one of the last battles, they've all got varying levels of PTSD, and half of them lose family members I think??? It might have started out as a kids series and the prose might have been simple, but it definitely

    This article is everything to me. *high fives a million angels*

    At one point during this episode, I had to pause and try to stop laughing so I wouldn't asphyxiate and die. This was, for me, the funniest episode of the entire series so far. I was literally crying with laughter, collapsed on the floor, waving my hands weakly at the screen to try and telekinetically pause it so I