
I love this place so very much. I don't love everyone in it, and I sure as hell don't love our representatives on the national stage, but yeah, I get it. Fight the good fight, JWMS!

Yeah, I called him up, as I do every couple of weeks, to holler at him for his mealy-mouthed hypocrisy and the gulf between what he says and how he votes. It's pretty much the only thing keeping me sane in this ignorant, stupid, beautiful state.

You're the only one to seize 'er and you're such a fucken skeazer, hope it's time for you to meet the lord above.

radical inclusiveness. Fuck yeah.

Baby Driver: Trump:Bats::Reagan:Buddy

Seen the debate between Buckley and James Baldwin at Cambridge? It's on YouTube and is a great example of one of the clearest empathetic divides.

C'm'on down to the South, where you'll see elephants with monograms in pink and lime green on the back windshields of a ton of SUV's.

"I hate this shit."—Sean Spicer, stealing your steelo.

Dammit, Archer.

…GOB's easy access to "forget-me-nows"…

Nah, he's happily married to his former researcher. She's a damn millennial, though, so she probably prefers taco trucks.


Yeah, absolutely—a sauce delivery-system is the purpose of non-faux nuggets, as well, so I support that. Some of the best meals of my life have been vegetarian or vegan, but they tend to not try to replicate the feel and flavor of meat. Well-spiced chick peas are delightful—they don't need to be compressed and

I'm an omnivore, but we've got a seriously good vegan Caribbean place in my town. Helps that they don't do the nu-vegan "we made sausage out of jackfruit and kelp!" thing.

Johnny Fappleseed!

I actually saw Fury Road in theaters on Thursday and Baby Driver on Friday. Blissful.

This is deeply upsetting out of context and pretty upsetting in context. Well done.

Seconding West—Miss Lonelyhearts is slim and scabrous and very good.

Childbirth causes mothers pain! MONSTER BRAIN!

Whoa now, hold up—let's not discount the efforts of Harlon Carter, may his torment be increased by a million years for each death on his hands, that border-skulking motherfucker.