Clueless Neophyte

I was just talking* to someone who took her daughter to see 42, & the kid just couldn't comprehend the horrendous crap it depicts black people taking.  Obviously, racism isn't gone, but the fact that it's so foreign to a kid is an encouraging sign of progress.

"Mister, we could use a man like Sheriff Lobo again…"

A lot of the credit, of course, goes to the writing, but it's impossible to imagine a cast better suited to the material, & even in such strong company Stapleton stood out.

Eh, Pierce woulda gotten this out MONTHS ago.

No, I don't!  Tell me!  TELL ME!

Good call—we get the impression that the Cadey-Dana dynamic has deep roots & is not unproblematic.

Oh—that's to bad.  (The not having the DVD available part, not the being in the UK part!)

Just get the DVD box set—it's money well spent.

Even so, six months is too arbitrary, & too long.  Listen to the man, Dana—he doesn't NEED six months to figure out where he wants to be!

Said porn star played by renowned series-killer Paula Marshall.  Between her & renowned series-killer Ted McGinley, it's no wonder the show only lasted 2 seasons.

Or poop.

He'll always be Lord Summerisle to me.

Pretty sure Villainous Wazoo is the working title for his NEXT metal album.

Honestly, for this kind of movie, this looks like it might be OK.
Prolly still won't see it, though.

I haven't seen any TV spots or billboards or bus sides or anything.  But I did see the trailer, I think twice.  Maybe before The Hobbit?

The trailers I saw would seem to corroborate your observation.  Pretty without anything else worth watching wouldn't be enough for me, but I could see it entertaining the Wee Neophytes for the duration.

The yogurt is also cursed.

It's in your face but you can't grab it!

@avclub-759ba0c9f2099627f2b76dda79b8bd54:disqus: Likewise, don = "do on"!

My thoughts exactly, though you beat me to it, @avclub-6e8fb18f4f5788ce09ff72f8fdd81b4f:disqus.