Stretch Neil Armstrong

seasonal affective disorder.

That was the first time I ever saw "The Big Bang Theory"… and I didn't like it one bit! It was humorless and formulaic. I think all you people are despicable! For SHAME!

Wasn't that how they broke Winston in 1984?

It all makes horrible, horrible sense now. Thank you.

I'm new to this whole AV Club thing and haven't ever watched Whitney. Does Whitney have a lot of faux-progressive vagina-related humor or is this just some AV Club inside joke.

The whole cast said they were doing it at the reunion a few weeks ago.

"Look, if you say no you're just gonna drive him right to her."
"Hey Dad, can you drive me to Anne's?"

I thought last weeks Thanksgiving episode was weakest. South Park has ridden the "something innocuous turns out to be a big conspiracy" for the last few seasons and I never really thought it was that funny.

I've always enjoyed Kelly as a character and Kali was a writer during the prime years so she obviously has chops but if these youtube references of late are her doing she was definitely better off before she had production control.

I agree but as far as I know there's not a stereotype that says woman commonly fuck things up because they're reckless or prideful (I know this isn't stated outright as being her character traits but thats the vibe I'm getting from the trailer.) In fact it seems like the opposite of most stereotypes that I'm aware of.

"Let me save you! You know, from the problem I created."