
I wouldn't even call that the worst on 'Get Ready'. If someone tells me a new NO song has bad lyrics I automatically ask " 'Crystal' bad?"

But, but.. I only hit you because I love you!

Thomas Dolby+The Golden Age of Wireless - God Damn what a gorgeous album! It's such a shame that She Blinded Me With Science is the perhaps only thing most people would recognize. Glad to see it (and Airwaves) mentioned here.

Man, even Arizona has managed this one. Despite the fact that our state government usually gets nothing done unless it involves trolling the rest of the country.

Oh wait… he said Martian Manhumper. Suddenly things make a lot more sense.

I might be mistaken, but I thought the real issue with starburst was that if you did make a wild jump then trying to backtrack to where you had been was extremely difficult (something about exiting starburst on a random vector).  The starburst itself is pretty much travelling in a straight line based on your original

@avclub-b587da25f0be5b669a8bc5d582f4b165:disqus Now it's no North Dakota - but Albuquerque actually has a winter.  (Unlike the Southern Arizona circle of Hell I currently reside in).  There are a lot more jacket-and-cap days than you think.   Most of the time it's only June, July, and August that regularly edge into

@avclub-b587da25f0be5b669a8bc5d582f4b165:disqus Now it's no North Dakota - but Albuquerque actually has a winter.  (Unlike the Southern Arizona circle of Hell I currently reside in).  There are a lot more jacket-and-cap days than you think.   Most of the time it's only June, July, and August that regularly edge into

Girl hair!  I'll never ever forget that one - the end is like a case study in surrealism.  I'm not sure I've ever laughed harder at an episode of SGC2C. (and certainly not that hard while still feeling mildy disturbed)

Girl hair!  I'll never ever forget that one - the end is like a case study in surrealism.  I'm not sure I've ever laughed harder at an episode of SGC2C. (and certainly not that hard while still feeling mildy disturbed)

Exactly.  It's one of those songs that just about anybody *can* sing,
but very few people *should* sing.