Jesus Christ Pornostar

Always rooting for Heisenburg.

Always rooting for Heisenburg.



It's the greatest fucking show ever of all time!!

It's not about the cup, it's about the ubiquity of the red cups at keg parties. Something that I think a whole hell of a lot of people can relate to.

9 out of 10 times I'm drinking beer at a bar I prefer bottles because I don't trust the bartenders are keeping the tap systems clean.

These are very interesting developments.

Wasn't this show supposed to come on like a year ago? I remember seeing commercials where she's crying in a bathroom stall. And I also remember saying to myself "goddamn I never want to watch that show"

Someone I know used to work for Neilsen down in Florida. Here's something they don't want you to know, the ratings are all pretty much bullshit and the numbers are fudged and sometimes just made up.

Funniest shit Leon said all season

I always thought it would be pretty amazing to have flying cars until one day I realized that cops would be the first (and probably for a long time, the only) people to get them. Seriously, fuck that!

I know, it's amazing that it only took them ten years to dig two holes in the ground.

April, Ed or Shaquille?

Holy shit
That looks amazing.

They'll probably make a shitload of money selling the rights to their story

Why did the chicken cross the road?

"…joins the Missouri guerrilla fighters known as the "bushwhackers" out of loyalty to his friend Skeet Ulrich"
That is hilarious to me.