Tyler the Awesome Guy

While you were still trying to SPELL YOUR NAME!! I was being trained to BE IN SIMPSON'S CIRCUS!!!

Wow… I…

I don't care what you say anymore.

Wow… I… I….

If the end of the world ever occurs, the final video I will watch in the final seconds of the end of the world will be Porky Pig saying "B-b-b-b-b-b-b- That's all folks!"

You know what… just forget it. I don't want to talk to someone who is such a fucking obvious troll. Because if you seriously think that all those movies are bad, then I think my life was much happier and my existence was much better without having known you. You can't be fucking serious. Everyone I know has at least

There are right now 12 upvotes for my statement, so suck it.

First of all, Menken's music is great. His ditties are not only melodious to the ear in everything he's done, but they are essential to the storytelling. They move the story forward. Anyone can just put words together with music and write a song, but write music like how Menken and his cohorts write it is special. Him

You people are what we on Earth call "dead wrong".

I think The Cat in the Hat said it best when they said…

D+? Really?

But… you have Weird Al singing to Alan Menken music!

Of course it returns from last year, it's January 1st! MOST EVERY SHOW ON NOW WILL RETURN THIS YEAR!!

The Weird Al one has been taken down.

Good point.

I saw Night at the Museum 3 then on Sunday, I watched A Bug's Life on Blu-ray for some reason.

"If Hulu was the inventor of Facebook, then they'd have invented Facebook".

Okay, people are WAAAAAAAAY too hard on this movie. Yes it's flawed and imperfect, but it's not supposed to be perfect. As a silly little family-friendly romp, I loved it. It was hilarious and heartwarming. It's not as good as the first one, or as funny as the second one, but it's still a nice movie!

Kramer: Did you know I was almost the president of Crackle?
Jerry: That close, huh?
Kramer: You better believe it!

On this episode of MythBusters: Adam and Jamie will fall off Springfield Gorge