Tyler the Awesome Guy


I liked Labor Day :(

I am going to forever defend the Tom Hanks movie Larry Crowne. It is a really great, feel-good movie.

"I bring you peace."

I hope you put American Dad! at #1.

Previously on Serial…

A George divided against itself cannot stand!

Now that's a complaint!

The very thought that Johnny Cash would have said "yes" to doing Simpsons blows my mind. But thank God he did, he is I think my favourite Simpsons one-time guest star and it's one of the best one-time guest stars in any T.V. show ever!

No fucking shit, Sherlock!

The Simpsons Guy wasn't that bad.

That's it, Internet. You officially have too much time on your hands.

Show me your moves!



With a mediocre American Dad!, because at least American Dad!, which is probably my favourite show, would still be on.

It feels like the show has found a new energy, and has been able to really find itself. On FOX it was great and hilarious, but it always felt kinda constrained from what it wanted to do. On TBS, it really got to branch out and do its own thing. Like the previous seasons, not every episode works, but when they do, they

Ned: "You ugly, hate-filled man."
Moe: "Hey, I may be ugly, and I may be hate-filled, but I… I… what was the third thing you said?"

Except for Chaz Cummings, winner of the first season of New Zealand's Got Talent

American Dad is to Family Guy what The Empire State Building is to… teepee.