Tyler the Awesome Guy

Now it is, but Family Guy was still pretty good in its heyday.

I don't know about that. I thought it was pretty brave of TBS to show Francine high when she put the drugs in her coffee.

Actually, I think the show has found a new ground. It really feels different, but a good kind of different. Like it has this new-found energy and zest in the episodes. And the writing is just stellar again. I think my least favourite episode this season was "CIAPOW", but I still liked the episode at least. Every other

*crosses fingers at a possible Wheels & The Legman spinoff*

The character design may not have exactly fit when, but I kinda liked the idea of Uma Thurman voicing the character. But I wish they brought back that idea that she was "bad at math".

The other day, I had a dream where Wendy Schaal died before she could record all of her voice-over stuff for the season. I thought that was going to be a bad omen. But now my dream can suck it!

I couldn't disagree with you more.

Hayley: "You smoked in the science lab?"
Francine: "You think I give a shit?"

I think it's too soon to call "Independent Movie" classic just yet. But I agree it's an awesome episode.

"Tearjerker", "Jenny Fromdabloc", "Great Space Roaster", "Independent Movie", "Tears of a Clooney", all amongst my favourites of all-time.

An open letter to The A.V. Club.

It's not a guilty pleasure, it's just a pleasure.

H.U.G.S. and K.I.S.S.

It has more than justified.

"Big Stan on Campus" because one of my favourite episodes of all-time. And I just finished up watching "Now and Gwen" and that was an awesome episode as well.

My offer of writing American Dad! reviews for free still stands, A.V. Club! Just saying!

I still sing that jingle to this day, and I love the reactions people have when I finish it.

$1 for internal happiness? I think I'd be happy with the dollar.

I learned not to whiz on the electric fence!