Tyler the Awesome Guy


I am not trying to knock it at all. I was actually putting it lightly when I said I thought it looked silly. There are a lot of animated series out there that looked silly but I ended up loving (Regular Show, Adventure Time, for example). Who knows? Maybe BoJack Horseman will surprise me. I won't know exactly until I


You see folks, FXX gets it. FXX understands me.

The Internet: The Miniseries. Season 1

Too bad the real Freak House is right here on the Internet. Why won't someone make a miniseries about THAT!

Because the novelty of Will Arnett being a horse hasn't quite worn off yet…

My favourite thing about the True Blood series is… that it's over.


My ending. Everyone dies.

Lion King.

What a tweest!

Yeah, this looked stupid. I am usually a fan of these silly adult animated T.V. shows, but this just looked silly, even if I feel that Will Arnett is a really funny individual.

"That's right, Al, you lost! And let me tell you what you didn't win. A 20-volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtle Wax, and a life supply of Rice-aroni, the San Francisco Treat. But that's not all, you also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people, and you brought shame and

Umm…. what a tweest?

This looks like a movie that just would not work but does.

The biologist is just an Avengers fan and someone who doesn't want to believe in reality and lives in his mothers' basement.

Everything is… awesome?

SPOILER: Jack dies at the end of Titanic.

Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the Metric down?
Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the martians under wraps?
Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?
Who robs king fish of their sight?
Who rigs every Oscar night?