Tyler the Awesome Guy

I suspect that Williams' death will boost ticket sales for Night at the Museum 3.

As long as there's more Weird Al kicking ass and taking names, I'll be happy

I don't like this living in a world without Robin Williams.

Yes today because that's when they announced it. Now I have something to look forward to.

I had a feeling that today would be awesome, that today would be cool to be part of a team.

But I ask, "what if your vagina had a vagina?"

Wow, a Monotony game show… I mean, Monopoly.

His genius is wasted, and yet it's not at the same time.

I thought his name would be Hercules Superman.

Seinfeld: The Musical.

"Nothing is new under the sun". Every story is done before.

I don't know… YouTube personalities are usually one-trick ponies, doing the same series week in and week out, and movie stars have to usually do several different movies of several different styles, sometimes well and other times unsuccessfully. Unless there are "actors" only on YouTube releasing full-length movies

And like Frozen before it, it'll get insanely popular yet suck hard.

I would want her to be in True Detective WAAAAAY more than I want Vince Vaughn or Colin Farrell. At least she has talent.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, wasn't a fan of that show. Sorry for not getting the joke.

I think the actors are talented, particularly Jim Parsons, who has emerged as one of my personal favourite actors working today.

Well, I am a fan of the show. It's perfectly fine if you don't like it, but there's no need to force your opinion on other people. I can totally understand how someone can not like a television show.

And just like that another good show bites the dust

They deserve it. They are talented actors, so why not give them the big ma-moo in the first place?