
I'm with you, and I'm already looking forward to next season. As much as I'll hate to see Mad Men go off the air, I can't wait to see what they come up with for the series finale.


Was that the scene where she's in the hallway at the office, trips and Joan and some of the other women help her up? Or is there more than one Sally trips down the hallway scene? I love Sally Draper. Heck, I love all of the Draper kids, they're more interesting to me than Don and Megan this season.

As much as I Ship Peggy & Pete, I'd love to see the show explore Pete's sexuality. I'd like to imagine the scene with Pete & Bob akin to a magic trick, the audience's attention is on Bob his motivations and the issues surrounding his sexuality, meanwhile the real storyline is Pete's reaction and his sexuality. If this

Between Pete & Don, the hair wrangler is doing a masterful job!

I agree, just to clarify my original post I don't think Jon Hamm is a better actor than V.K., I think they're both incredible actors, just pointing out that my meh feelings towards Don have nothing to do with Hamm's acting. :)
 Jared Harris & Jay R. Ferguson (you've come a long way Ponyboy Curtis) were/are wonderful

My favorite episode of the season, from the dinner with Ted, Pete & Peggy, to Bob & Pete to Sally walking in on Don & Sylvia this episode was stellar

I realize the Pete as a deeply closeted gay or even bisexual man is a bit far out there as far as fan theories go, but it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that scene. Like so many aspects of Mad Men, the scene was a rorschach test that could be interpreted many ways. Yes, Pete almost as a knee-jerk