
Random Remains FTW.

You mean new "old" pizzas are better than old "new" pizzas? My head hurts.

I agree, this is one of those things Trek through out there, and it quickly became obvious that this was supposed to be a sort of ethnic myth or stereotype.

Really, I'm just glad Zack got to watch a twofer where one of the two wasn't close to awful. These two are really okay. Not the best, but far from the worst, and after "Spock's Brain", I imagine getting back to watchable, enjoyable Trek is a relief.

What I want to know is, why is everyone practicing analingus in the church basement? Isn't the rectory good enough for kids today?

Oh, it counts.

You know, I really liked Dick Tracy, I'm pretty sure I own it. Hey, I was 12.

Look, I don't care how hot or suave you are, he didn't fuck that many women. But I'm sure he's fucked quite a few.

Jesus wants you to buy me a bottle of whiskey and a buyin to the WSOP ME.

Lobsters have cocks?

What's wrong with filth?

Where's Shawshank Redemption? Red's voiceovers about prison life and Andy are pretty central to the movie as well, and I'd agree that Trainspotting also belongs on this list. Who wrote this? I demand to speak to the manager!

Well, slash fanfic these days refers to any homosexual character pairing, but in TOS lore, the Kirk/Spock pairing was the most common, which is why it is considered the origin of the "slash" moniker. I'm sure there were Kirk/McCoy and Spock/McCoy pairings as well (particularly Spock/McCoy - annoyed banter is so hot,

Yes, I really did write "Star Trek Diaries" when I was a kid.

I'm fairly certain the Baldwins are interchangable, so if you've slept with one Baldwin, you've slept with them all.

The Kirk/Spock pairing is why fanfic with homosexual character pairings is referred to as "slash" - the "/" between the character names denoted it as a romantic pairing, and now all fanfic genres generally refer to homosexual character pairings as slash or femslash (for lesbian relationships).

Well, the indicator light on the trigger is supposed to blink three times, I think, but those damn things never worked.

But Leno is neither decent nor reliable, unless you mean he's reliably medicore, which usually isn't what people are looking for in a comedian, hence it's bad, and the analogy doesn't work.

Um, yes they do, George Liquor. Yes they do. Because apparently we don't trust that our soldiers are capable of aiming explosive devices correctly.

Please. Spock was more a man than that pansy ass ever was.