The Pirate Name Generator

I was a member of the Compuserve BBS before there was an AOL. Things have become decidedly more new-fangled since.

"Can somebody go an get me an iced Lemonade? Killing these zombies sure causes a powerful thirst."

Why can't zombie NBA players jump?

Well, technically there supposedly an ending Frank Darabont is still working on. The first draft was aces.

You know what sounds good? Coca Cola flavored popcorn. Never heard of it before. Don't know why it just came to mind. I want some, though.

I like little girls. They make me feel so good.

No one likes a crybaby.

helicooter ftw

It was beautiful and a grand entrance to what I consider a remarkable life! Mom and I re-enact the experience every year on my birthday or whenever she drinks too much box wine.


"Fubar" Fritz Dawkins: "We asked her what her fee should be for modeling, she said a young horse. Stigwood bought one for her. I called the image "Blind Faith" and Clapton made that the name of the band."

I'm calling it: Zooey Deschanel is the female Keanu Reeves