Zackie Jab

Huh, so that's what that means. I just thought it was an annoying tween twitter thing like "dad" "mom" "queen" etc.

I just spun that first Malkmus solo record yesterday. Probably my favorite thing he's ever done. I don't get the hate for it.

To be fair most non club shows are the same thing night in and night out because of the logistics of putting on a non club show (band members rotating in and out, different sound guys every night, length of time you get on stage every night, what your audience is expecting, what album you're touring behind). Why do

The left would have gone fucking insane if it was Adam Baldwin or James Woods with the head of Obama. For maybe the first time, I'm actually on the side of Trump on this one.

Looks like a good month. Isbell is a must buy for me and I'm looking forward to the new Waters and Mutoid Man records. Oh, and the new Rancid, no need to break new ground, I like them doing what they do. I'll probably also try the King Gizzard record along with a few more.

That's an event I have zero interest in seeing, but good on her and her friends and good on Manchester. Stay strong!

I read a review today which praised what the reviewer saw as misandry and they were bummed when it disappeared from the movie. That's a pretty hot take which is probably for clicks, so I won't link to it, but it just seems weird that, as a critic, if you want a movie to be seen maybe you wouldn't frame it as one

# 14 will blow your mind!

Live action + violence - blood (and no boobs and one F Bomb and maybe 2 Goddammit's if you're lucky)= PG-13

Hank Hill is one of the greatest fictional fathers of all time.

This guy's a total jerkoff, but I'm missing the pop culture tie in.

Went on a bit of an Allman's kick last week. Like most jammy bands, I like the studio work more than the live stuff. I know that makes me a minority, but I don't need to hear a 45 minute version of any song ever.

I use to do a lot of lsd when I was a kid and every once in a while I'd get the bad back feeling, usually on the back half of the fun. I never could figure out what it was, but apparently like you, I heard it was cut with strychnine.

Thanks and sometimes social situations are still a bit much, last Friday we went to a bar for my wife's soccer team's year end party and I had to duck out after about 90 minutes because I could feel the itch to have "just one" but for the most part, caffeine and weed do it for me now. But yeah, I really like the way

I just finally heard "Time Fades Away" last night for the first time front to back. Reprise just put out a new vinyl edition which fell into my hands. A good, not great record as he (and the band) was pretty fucked up when that was recorded, but worth it for advanced studies in Shakeyology.

Dang, they're playing here while I'm out of the country. I'm pretty bummed about it, but they normally roll through every couple years, so I'll just have to wait for the next time.

I've seen Isbell live seven or eight times over the last five years in all kinds of different settings (with the band, acoustic solo, as an opener, as a headliner, as an unannounced guitar player and backup vocalist for his wife and in venues from bars to, this summer, 20K+ plus capacity ampetheaters) and he has never

I know now that I have to wait at least 60 and preferably 90 minutes after smoking to drive. My problem is I zone out and therefore can miss lights, pedestrians, braking traffic. You just have to time when you're leaving for the concert a little better, but it's totally worth it.

I find that a good hard trip once every 10 years or so to reset the brain is a pretty healthy thing. I don't condone eating them daily like I did for a while in my 20s, but once or twice a decade for some insight and they're pretty awesome.

I've been 7 1/2 months sober as of tomorrow (which, one day at a time and all that, whatever, I don't do group), but have really found that smoking a one hitter a few times over the course of a week has really made it easy to adjust. Where as, in the old days, I'd have had 6-20 beers five days a week, I can do