
This is really nitpicky, but the whole tenure setup was off.  Tenure committees are made up of people who have tenure (you know, actual faculty).  An HR person wouldn't be on a tenure committee.  And staff don't get tenure - only faculty do.  Raj can't even talk to women or girls without being drunk!

I'm a little confused about some things they mentioned during the show.  Did Jeff say he has been keeping the get-well cards from 7th grade for 22 years?  So that would make him 34?  (22+12).  Meaning he was only 30 when the study group got together?

Megan Hilty and Christian Borle are the best part of the show.  I read the recaps and then decide if I want to watch the episode, based on what kind of screen time the two of them get.  But Hilty not singing in yet another episode?  That's unacceptable!

I don't think the show will stay away from NYC for long. As much as Carrie's dad is a disciplinarian, I don't doubt for a moment that he'll give in and let Carrie intern at Interview (maybe not right away but give it a couple of episodes).  After al, this show is the prequel to SATC, not the prequel to Carrie in

That's assuming the study group knew when Oktoberfest is.  They just needed a ruse, it didn't even have to be clever.

I just watched "Investigative Journalism" from Season 1, where Jack Black's character tries to join the study group.  It was oddly similar to this episode (though I didn't really think of it at the time I watched this episode) - a fellow student refusing to leave the study room, told the group they think they're so

Something seemed off about the way Gunnar was talking in this episode.  Did he get invisalign braces or something?  Or did he always talk like that?

Some mayoral seats are mostly non-partisan - it's that way in Los Angeles for example.  If no candidate wins the majority, the two candidates with the most votes move on to the run-off election.  It's not broken down by political party.

I felt this episode was better than last week's, but it still felt a bit off.  Jeff's last speech was just too sappy.  And what was up with those beige pants he was wearing?  Hideously un-Winger-like.  And how did the group get the study room back?  Just because they painted the run-down room and fixed the lights, the

I thought that too.

I think most dance teachers (especially ballet teachers) would be pretty aghast if they JUST found a condom at their studio.  Not that teens should be having unprotected sex but most teachers wouldn't be nonchalant about it.

The actress who played Shauna wanted to leave.

I think Bailey Buntain is actually 22 or so.

I thought this episode was better than the season premiere (how many people liked that one?) but compared to other Community Halloween episodes, it wasn't as good.

Hey, I failed mine (in California) by running a stop sign too!  And it was one the return trip back to the DMV as well, though I was too busy looking left and right for traffic that I didn't notice the stop sign behind a small tree.

I think some people who are bitches know they are - Donna is likely one of them.  She's not trying to take over the diner because she and her friends decided they like the salad there.  She's doing it to get at Carrie.

The pop culture parodies can be great (e.g., Modern Warfare, Epidemiology, Contemporary American Poultry), but some of my favorite scenes and episodes have been when it's just Jeff's study group sitting around the table in the library.  I feel they should try to get back to that, but it requires smarter dialogue

I felt there was too much parody-ing going on in the episode.  Abed's sitcom-laugh-track, the hunger games, and then the greendale babies cartoon?  Just too much.

I feel that at this point, Derek is quite delusional (brain tumor, perhaps?) and obsessed with Karen.  So he would definitely send Ivy packing (gotta protect his "star"!).

I don't like that it seems like one of the 4 girls has to be missing for each episode (budget problems?) - maybe they shouldn't fill an episode w/ Kent, Jeanine, and Scotty, not to mention Godot, Mel's father, and Ginny's mom.