Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE

It seems to be more where all links to the A.V. Club are automatically filed.

Soon, it will be as relevant as the New York World-Telegram.

And won't give them back!!!!

*Stands for the ovation*

That was Adrien Brody…..

Or both?


Thirty seconds of Robin and two hours of b-roll?

One too many for bridge, though.

Or if there really is one….

The man and the hour has met, and that man is Boss Biggis!

Wouldn't you?

Can you roll him for all of us?

Punishment for all of our sins……

Any chance that episodes of this will be edited into movies?

Just in time for us to enjoy one last one!

Certainly the merchants would never stand for it!

African-American versions of all the Clavell novels would be something…..

We can't dig it!

Well, he did look like a dangerous drifter for a long while…..