Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE

Made for a very entertaining funeral.

I topped out at around 200, either with a Hurricane Sandy-adjacent comment or a joke involving the Planes movie and movie executives.

"You know, I could have been the lead of some films that were legendary….when MST3K got their hands on them….."

We liked him more there, if memory serves…..

Yes, like this guy:

*Somewhere, Maggie Smith is laughing her head off*


And yet we'll drive away the folk that actually like us!

Good Lord, what have I done?

Hunting us with a crossbow was a very strange idea…..

And you listened to him?

The belief that if this was a fictional character no one would buy tickets?

But goose, to a heavy degree, has become a seasonal dish!

In my case, it's a comparison of the writing that was present in the print editions between 2007-2008 and early 2013- compared to the earlier time, I recall the print editions becoming increasingly one-note in tone and that the writing increasingly became that of some of the lesser satirists, where the title is the

Only slightly more evil than the paper as a whole……

There wasn't a teaser last time, either- these are now made so irregularly that having a teaser is somewhat meaningless……

Can it be in the later, stranger period of Corgan's career?

I have a bad feeling our writers haven't given that much thought to the greater meaning….

Haven't you noticed Kinja lurking in the bushes outside?

No- gaslighting is subtle, and what he did was not….