Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE

Quite possibly seeing if there's a way to kick Joel upstairs this time.

They will see a man about a horse.

To prove that they could!

What better way to eat crab cakes?

Who hasn't?

Yes, that does seem right after a quick check of IMDb.

There are a bunch of documents up on Google- the short story is that it was a matter of catfishing, with a user basically inventing a ton of people (most notably a fictional wife).

They chose to delete it instead.

Not a ghost- just a guy unstuck in time…..

So, what did Bob eat to have this bad dream?

Can you at least tell HBO that having the Game of Thrones chuckleheads run a series on a sensitive subject is a terrible idea?

Probably not at all, and certainly not under this username- someone stole it on Disqus, and I have the feeling it's also been stolen on Kinja.

It is nice to be able to place a name for those assholes…..

Best wishes to you in the woods.

One of the more embarrassing ones at that.

Strange- I saw him riding a horse…..


Damned if we know what counts as five stars…..

What, not hot buttered rum?

Shall we play it again, but backwards?