
I think it should say Jonas at the end of the review instead of Jonah.

I have a running joke with a friend who watchs a lot of the same shows as me. Every Thursday, I ask him "Hey, what's on tonight?" and he says

I used to despise Raffi, and always dreaded whenever he would come on. But now I love him, he made the second episode for me. I'm not sure what changed. I also enjoyed the scene in the all dark restaurant, I thought that was fantastic.

Take Care isn't important?

That mention of John Malkovich made me really excited for how great this season could have been

Now I get it

If there only there was someone out there who exacted justice on those who fell through the legal system…

I don't get why everybody loves Modern Family so much

Did anybody else get really excited when Troy and Abed asked Annie if she wanted to rap with them?

What does "full Dinosaurs" mean?

It was the baby who killed JFK!

The thing that bothers me the most about this show is that EVERYTHING that Max says is a punchline. It gets tiresome after a while when everything she says is supposed to be funny.

Fuck whovian you took the words right out of my mouth

I'm in High School, I am still in a Model UN program, and this episode was the best. Martin Starr's speech at the end so perfectly describes so many Model UN committees I have been in. Model UN can be quite fun, there are actually midnight crisis committees, where you debate all day and then they wake you up at