
You guys sounds like a barrel of laughs. Seriously, you should all get together some time.

Mate - load it onto an ipod and get one of those doohickeys that you can plug it straight into so that you've got it coming out of speakers. I've been going to sleep for years to the inanity of Pilkington's ramblings that way, and I've never slept better.

Maybe because I'm not from your land,
but I have absolutely no idea who Bob Seger. The name only sounds mildly familiar.

Have we all seen….
…. the Japanese poster for this film? It's a gaudy mess of pure wonderfulness.

Glad to see much love for Planet Earth on here. The finest screen based visuals mine eyes have like ever seen!

What's to be proud of?
Nobody here contributed to any of these things in any way. To paraphrase Chris Rock, it just happened to be America where your mother squeezed you out.

I don't get it. Do you guys have different words for these things or something?

I see. Thanks for putting me straight.

Is it unreasonable of me to say that, as a Limey, I find that term fairly offensive and condescending? Cos I do.

… is this game marked down for being a "rehash"? For one thing, it is far from it. It is a refinement, sure, but there's plenty more to it. Why was GTA 4 not similarly rebuked for being a rehash of a game that came out some seven years previously? I agree with the above comments, it would be better to have

How about…
Dead or Alive, the Miike version. The switch comes at the end, but it goes from a fairly mundane, run-of-the-mill crime film (albeit an fairly unedifying one) to something that is just, well…. bizarre. I don't want to spoil it, but suffice to say it's worth sitting through just for the total headfuck that