Daniel Mouse

“Ten times out of ten a publicist
sets up a concrete interview time acceptable to the interviewer and
interviewee. That is how reasonable human beings do things. That is
not how leather-skinned rock god and legendary pussy-wolfer Simmons does things. When I tried to nail down a time for our
interview, I learned that Mr.

“Ten times out of ten a publicist
sets up a concrete interview time acceptable to the interviewer and
interviewee. That is how reasonable human beings do things. That is
not how leather-skinned rock god and legendary pussy-wolfer Simmons does things. When I tried to nail down a time for our
interview, I learned that Mr.

Quite possibly the most charming Random Roles I've read. Certainly high on the list. I'm saving my final assessment for Blythe Danner.

Quite possibly the most charming Random Roles I've read. Certainly high on the list. I'm saving my final assessment for Blythe Danner.

Come and See, also The Ascent

Kyle Ryan, you must never watch the "Reflection of Death" segment of the '72 "Tales From the Crypt" movie. Unless you've already seen it. Or are already dead.