Hello Forest

I know there's a lot to nit-pick in this film, but can we take a brief second to talk about the fact that childhood Shaw lived in Africa, had Patrick Wilson as a father, and still somehow managed to have an English accent?  Theoretically I suppose she could have lived in England with her dead mom before moving to

I know there's a lot to nit-pick in this film, but can we take a brief second to talk about the fact that childhood Shaw lived in Africa, had Patrick Wilson as a father, and still somehow managed to have an English accent?  Theoretically I suppose she could have lived in England with her dead mom before moving to

Amen to that.  Still can't get over that show only getting one season while this got a second.  Eesh.

I think that's best left between him and his white dragon.

Yeah, it's actually a football helmet.  Safety first.

Maybe the DVD order is different than the production order, but I was
pretty confused when I started the next episode and there was no
indication that JD and Carla were still upset with each other.  I know
early Scrubs didn't have quite the serialization aims as it later would,
but I still felt like it sort of

Add me to the list of people disagreeing with this review. I get the slobbering over their first two albums, but I honestly feel like they were such a product of their time (or where I was at that time) that I can hardly go back and listen to them anymore. Humbug gets a lot of play in my car, and I reckon I'll

Humphrey Bogart is hired to look after the daughter of a rich general, has sex with a woman in a bookstore, then witnesses a murder. Then, nihilists piss on his rug. It was pretty simple.

Count me
Among the group that find this album better than the last 2 SFA albums. It isn't mindblowing by any stretch of the imagination, but neither are 90% of the albums that manage a B here.

This is kind of true though—my RSS feeds scroll across the bottom of my browser like a news ticker, and I compulsively must click all of them, even if I don't read them. The sheer amount of things published exclusively on the web is daunting…every two hours my feed fills up (keep in mind I only subscribe to about 6