
In response to the mention of Stringer Bell in "Interview with a Vampire," Idris Elba has played a vampire hunter before, in the UK TV series "Ultraviolet." So maybe they could shoehorn him into "Interview with a Vampire" as a killer who just coldly does away with foppish vampires.

An alternative headline could've been "No Rim Job For Cruise."

No ElDan, I'm thinking of Weird Al. Never heard anything by "Girl Talk," but going by your description I don't think I'd like them either…

I'm constantly mystified by the appeal of Weird Al's music. His parodies are respectful to the point of toothlessness, so much so that he seems to have built a career on re-doing the lyrics to popular songs so that hip (or "outsider") types can listen to pop tunes yet simultaneously claim that it's not because they

The Shield had some fairly unrealistic moments but it was directed, acted and written well enough that I forgot all about that and just went with it. Plus it has one of the best, most-satisfying series finales I've ever seen.

Well to be fair to Dexter, he is a sociopath. I don't think they're too big on proper telephone etiquette.

Anyone remember Blood? Damn I used to love that game as a teenager. It was basically Duke Nukem 3D in a horror rather than sci-fi setting. Also no misogyny, ironic or otherwise, as there were no strippers, although you could murder mime artists. But nobody cares about mime artists.

Didn't 3D Realms become Monolith, or was that another company?

Twisted Metal on PS1 was awesome - great multiplayer, huge arenas and tons of Easter Eggs (think on one of the levels you could actually blow up the Statue of Liberty, despite it being miles in the distance and disguised as part of the background).

Wow, that "Bus Driver's Song" is fairly downbeat. Then again a fair bit of FotC stuff is downbeat, even though as they deal with topics like heartbreak and being poor and/or desperately unpopular with a comic, occasionally blackly comic edge the despair is masked by the comedy.

Any love here for The King Blues? No idea if they've got a following at all in the US, but they're a British folk-punk (yes, apparently that is a thing) band that combine politics, social commentary and brilliant lyrics along with some damn fine tunes. Check out "Holiday," "Headbutt," "Let's Hang The Landlord" and

Also, the Terrance and Phillip "fake-out" at the start of Part Two is a call back to the "April Fools Day" prank they played on viewers when they replaced Part Two of "Cartman's Mom is (Still) a Dirty Slut" with "Terrance and Phillip: Not Without My Anus." Which was an hilarious one-off episode, but upset a lot of

Also worth mentioning (I think you allude to this slightly in the article, but it's worth making explicit):


Michael Bay.

It would be better if Burtt's voice wasn't electronically manipulated, so he was just constantly making bizarre robot noises in his own, decidedly human, voice.

Cancelled Too Soon TV Show Reunion
They should probably just combine this movie with the long-promised Arrested Development movie. No idea for plot though… Something to do with failure maybe?

Oh great, another Betty White appreciation thread.

"Beady Eye" is awful. Nobody should be told to pick up their album. It's Oasis minus the talented one, and Oasis were never that awe-inspiring to begin with.

Really kjohnson1585? Links please. I haven't read this anywhere hence why I thought it was an ongoing debate.