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    True but he was only one person who was pretty indirectly responsible and he leaves him to die. It's pretty damn dark,

    Ok here's my issue with the movie. Doesn't Ruffalo essentially just leave Morgan Freeman to die in that cell for debunking his father's trick? Strikes me that this is not only grim but actually criminally insane. But whatever, slick, entertaining movie and the twist doesn't make a lick of sense since Ruffalo could

    I had to rewind and watch that one about three times. I'm still laughing.

    I had to rewind and watch that one about three times. I'm still laughing.

    The past few weeks have been markedly better in my opinion. Had I been the critic for this I would have given the episode a solid B. I think the good outweighed the bad and there were some damn fine lines in this episode and Will got to act like a doofus for once and not McKenzie who was pretty clearly in control and

    The past few weeks have been markedly better in my opinion. Had I been the critic for this I would have given the episode a solid B. I think the good outweighed the bad and there were some damn fine lines in this episode and Will got to act like a doofus for once and not McKenzie who was pretty clearly in control and

    I have other songs!
    Sure you do pal

    Absolutely.  Perfect summation of the entire character right there. 

    Of course NBC hated that opening.  It's only one of the most memorable in the entire season.  I love everything about the Overkill opening, especially when JD is trapped with Colin in the closet trying to keep him quiet and of course it's the key part of the song.
    My Nightingale also has one of my favorite Ted moments