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    If you're going to put your creative self out for public consumption, people are going to talk shit.  It's hard.  I know.  I'm not famous but I've gotten shit show reviews.  Whatever, suck it up.  MC Chris should now that by now.

    If you're going to put your creative self out for public consumption, people are going to talk shit.  It's hard.  I know.  I'm not famous but I've gotten shit show reviews.  Whatever, suck it up.  MC Chris should now that by now.

    I have not seen it mentioned yet, but I raged quit "The Dome" by Stephen King with a broader realization about the man.  It was boring, and the characters were shallow (as is normal with most of his ensemble cast books), but worse than that, I realized that Stephen King has issues with sex.  Bad ones.  He always

    I have not seen it mentioned yet, but I raged quit "The Dome" by Stephen King with a broader realization about the man.  It was boring, and the characters were shallow (as is normal with most of his ensemble cast books), but worse than that, I realized that Stephen King has issues with sex.  Bad ones.  He always

    I had a similar experience… when I first saw the movie, I really disliked it.  I felt guilty.  Some of it was different, though.  Being a nerdy kid who was picked on and isolated, I was also familiar with nerd pecking orders and the sort of petty "make fun of people" chain that it's easy to get caught up.  "Yeah, I'm

    I disagree with The Warriors inclusion on this list.  The "comic book segues" don't really muck up the movie at all.  The newer intro is actually much tighter (and isn't full of comic book segues).  That seems like a rather week inclusion and probably the most controversial.  It's not even additional footage, per se.

    I disagree with The Warriors inclusion on this list.  The "comic book segues" don't really muck up the movie at all.  The newer intro is actually much tighter (and isn't full of comic book segues).  That seems like a rather week inclusion and probably the most controversial.  It's not even additional footage, per se.

    My alter ego is going to be more original: Stanley Pubric, no wait, uh… James Hameron.  Is Terrance Cowlick taken?

    Relic Radio has several channels that are pretty good.  They often pull from Vincent Price's The Price of Fear as well as Escape (which has some excellent episodes) and all manner of foreign service and South African/Australian programs.  Just be a good sport and chip in some duckets here and there.

    What Did You Expect? is a great track (and Matt sings a good bit on it, more vocal interplay).

    If someone were to ask what the best AoL album to start with was, Icky Mettle is not a bad choice. Though, despite some of the negative things said about it, I'd actually pick Seconds Before the Accident… which is a live album recorded right before they called it quits. The track list for Seconds covers some of the

    Weren't the Smothers Brothers kicked off for mocking the Bible? It adds to the whole kick off the left wing liberals thing, but just curious.

    I was in the boat that missed it… I lived in the Chicago suburbs, but the jocks and kids who called me "f@g" daily loved all of the "big" grunge and alt bands at the time. They pushed me into punk and hardcore. But I feel I missed out, so I don't actually have an opinion.


    "Reagan was your worst two-term president. You can measure how bad the president is by how good the (post)punk music is. "

    Thanks to "The Wordy Shipmates" I know all about "Thanks". Or that it existed, at any rate. (i.e. ditto Juan)

    Also, funny that Maritime is this weeks band doing a cover… not that I was ever Promise Ring Superfan #1, but I caught myself whistling "Is This Thing On?" the other day.

    Oh my lord… I just realized how awful and nonsensical that all sounded. Jesus, I should not write anything when doped up on flu medicine. Haha.

    "Emo" as a label is ridiculous, so this whole thread will of course be stilted. The "real emo" vs "something else", etc. None of the bands that I would lump into this movement ever really self labeled, but I'd point out that the popular notion of "emo" is a bit skewed towards kids with floppy haircuts in Chuck