
I actually read this.
Read as a peek behind the scenes, it was pretty interesting. I learned a lot about production and writing, certainly more than I did about The Simpsons. If you're a fan, it'll probably be worth your time - you'll be able to kill it in an afternoon or two.

Man, do I love me some book review day!

oh so clever
Stupid fucking "Decider" link-bait. This part of the new business model over at The Onion? Squeeze three clicks out of a three line brief? With absolutely zero content added?

there are still many places a person can feel the wilderness in america- it is just hard to carry your cooler to those places.

their christmas album is the bomb. happy, happy times.

Yes, I remember that. I think that the reason for Updike's "terrible sex writing" had more to do with when the book was published (1960). Tropic of Cancer hadn't even been published in the US (1961). Sex was still a real taboo - in the sense that "you may go to jail or never see your book published" kind of taboo.

if non-fiction gets to you - you might want to read "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Lattrell. i don't agree with his politics at all, which are distracting when he goes off on tangents against liberals. however, the core of his story, the actual events that unfolded and that he experienced are heartrending.

harlan county, usa

just finished this last night
insightful and reasoned. kinda talks in equivocating circles towards the end - though i guess that is the point. i appreciate the honesty and compassion that the author brought to experience.

"THOL" is actually pretty heavy in places - "Repaid" for example. the singles that were released earlier (valerie plame, et al) were very poppy and not the least bit overwrought.

fuck. and. yes.

oh snap. i done got served.

true. the food was aweful, too. what does it say about us that we know it's closed?

but you're right - he does look like he would have belonged there.

kahldi's done closed kid. a while ago. you wanna name drop vinyl or jeff hall too? 2006 called - they want their ZMF back.

Sarah Neufeld

definitely agree with townes.

you know that thing you know? the one you kinda like? i guess i was sort of responsible for that too. funny story, huh?

perhaps also?
flannel pajamas (2006)