Quotomatic 5000

"Territory ain't gonna mean shit if you're product is weak."
-Russell "Stringer" Bell

"The script originally called for me to say 'yes', but I gave it a little twist."

"She's got them thaaaangs!"
-Brad Williams


"Hello, is this President Clinton?  Good.  I figured if anyone new where to get some Tang it'd be you.  Shut up!"
-Homer Simpson

"The only woman I'm pimping from now on is Sweet Lady Propane.  And I'm tricking her out all over this town."  
-Hank Hill

"I do a pretty convincing Omar from the HBO program 'The Wire'"
-Ronald Wilkes (Isiah Whitlock Jr.)

"Who. Is. This. Bitch?"
-Mona Lisa

"Nick Cannon is hilarious."
-Dave Chappelle's son

"And I felt sad. So I did another line. And I felt sad. So I did another line."
-Scott Thompson

"Everything always works out for the best."
-Kenneth Parcell

"You all have weird reactions to things."
-Professor Kane

"Just so you know, this suit, it wasn't cheap.  You outta know, you bought it."  
-The Joker

"FACT!  That is the best song that has ever been written."
-Seth Weitberg

"Hey, it's not like I forced anyone to watch my movies.  And I could have too, cause I'm a big guy and I'm good with knots." 
-Tom Arnold

"What happened with Legos, they used to be simple. Oh come on, I know you know what I’m talking about, Legos were simple. Something happened out here while I was inside. Harry Potter Legos, Star Wars Legos, complicated kits, tiny little blocks. I mean I’m not saying its bad I just wanna know what happened."