New World Otter

Opinions on the AV Club are like old pick-up trucks, sawed-off shotguns, backwoods cabins and something else I can't quite remember…

Shout out to Robert Picardo
With all of the other guest stars from this episode mentioned in passing, how about Roberto Picardo (aka The Doctor from Star Trek:Voyager) as Karl the art dealer. Glad to see his particular mix of fussiness and philosophizing put to good use here…

Which made it that much funnier for Cat to call him a drama queen…

The 1st
of November is also an important Mexican holiday.

Oscar doing his best "vogue" when coming down the aisle with Kevin clumsily attempting to emulate him was priceless.

V without Mark Singer, Michael Ironside and Robert Englund??? I don't think so…
(Still have the original on VHS y'all)

I had an issue with a DVD getting jammed in the machine when I went to return it. Called customer service, got a no-questions-asked credit for the return and didn't pay a $1 more than my one-night rental…Better than my local video store where the stoners that work there have shelved my returns with out checking them

What I can't seem to figure out is which is more disgusting: Knowing that thousands of basement-dwelling chesters are getting their fix on a weekly basis, or that the parents of the kids in these pageants are pimping out their little girls to said chesters on a weekly basis. You can't tell me that the people who make

I wound up flipping through the channels during most of this broadcast, partially to spare myself of the torture or more Lil C "pontifications" and Mary Murphy "YES YOU DIDS!!!". The singular moment that redeemed this otherwise ho-hum episode was Jeanine "accidentally" punching the shit out of Kayla's face during the

"Seriously, last week when Karla and Vitolio were sent home, I turned to my boyfriend and said, "I'll put money on it Kayla and Kupono get Mia next week."

FACT - At the start of last week's performance show, EAWMM appears on the panel and declares that they "cannot lose Kupono and Kayla" for whatever reason because of how "special" they are.