
Spoilers, kind of: I think the answers to what was up with the sickness or why Rousseau thought the Smoke Monster was a security system hold up, but I suppose it depends on how you feel about some of the mysteries turning out to be lies/misinterpretations. They did drop the ball on explaining the weirdness surrounding

I think he has to be around 25, assuming he did a nurse practitioner degree right out of college and didn't wait until he'd worked for a few years.

No, Alexis Meade was played by Rebecca Romijn, who is a cis woman.

Whether it's wise to keep feeding your kids crap because it's what you're used to and you don't consider healthy eating to be a priority is another story. I don't think they should be role models or anything like that, but June at least is smarter and savvier than most people give her credit for. My point was that

Acting like the family needs TLC because they're struggling to put food on the table is pretty condescending. All of the 15-20K they get for each Honey Boo Boo episode goes into trust funds for the girls. June budgets so that the family can live comfortably (at least for them) off of Sugar Bear's salary. They eat

My first thought was that Irene faked her death, not that Sherlock was lying. Either way, I can't see them completely shutting down the possibility of using her.

My first thought was that Irene faked her death, not that Sherlock was lying. Either way, I can't see them completely shutting down the possibility of using her.