Mal Vivant

Can we all just agree that this is best looking show on TV right now? Seriously, the cinematography is amazing!

Man, I could barely get 50 minutes into this before it started to get a little boring.

Is there some sort of fond nostalgia for the movie that I am missing?

Also, who is the other guy on the cover of One Foot?

I think the main reason I have fondness for those two albums, is that I utterly hated Beck and Mellow Gold when I heard them in high school, and having to suffer through "Loser" at least once a day for a year. So, I had basically written him off and then hanging at an older, "cooler" friend's house, he played One Foot

This album and Stereopathetic Soulmanure were the best things that he did!

Dammit! What about jobless with no money, but still totally bald? Because that's all I got!

“Employed, Jewish, in his 30s and that’s pretty much ideal,”?

Finally America is getting the closure it needs. Thank you, Mr. Rollins!

Well, that cleared up all my questions about her appearance on Conan last night.

Finally! So happy to see this on here. I adore "Jane From Occupied Europe". It blew my mind as a 16 year old.

Excellent point.

Well put.

Oh shit! Good analogy! Last year I broke up with the girl I had been dating all year, and she was wonderful and gorgeous, but we honestly had nothing in common and it just wasn't working for me.

Why do people still think that there is any mystery about why he quit?

Poop :(

There's a photo somewhere of me, Midnight Masses and Trail of Dead in an issue of SPIN magazine from like 2009. I never bothered listening to MM, but they seemed like nice enough guys.

Actually, no I haven't. The track isn't there, Mr. AVClub!

Well, now I've heard everything!

Nah. I like the way I said it better.