Bob Balaban in 2010

This is a terrible, terrible movie
It's a flat unfunny mess. As dull as Russell Brand and Jonah Hill are in this (and they certainly are), when P-Diddy is onscreen I think time actually stops.

Ratt 'n' Roll
I saw Ratt about a year and a half ago and it was a fun night. They've aged much better as a live act than most hair metal bands precisely because, unlike your Don Dokkens or Mark Slaughters, there are no high notes from back in the day that Stephen Pearcy now has to struggle to reach.

It's not as if every other country in the world with an economy worth a damn has some sort of universally-pooled health insurance coverage and has had it for decades, right? But we're the chumps who have our tax dollars spent on corporate welfare queens, like Lloyd Blankfein and the Steinbrenner family, and endless,

A-ha the, proof! He was lazy, therefore he deserved to die!

That's right, mollymauk, I forgot about my favorite part of this vision for the world: you can do everything and anything you want, no matter how depraved or destructive, except form unions! Meanwhile, in this same world where labor organization is the sole illegality, corporate and capital formations can expand

A Libertarian Vision
What would the Libertarian utopia look like? (yeah, I know, libertarians are not utopians but believe in self-reliance, free market, private enterprise, meritocracy and blah, blah, blah). What would be the endgame for Libertarianism? How would it differ from Mexico? Somalia? The Mongolian


A 'gist' is a far cry from 'completely figured out'.

The Readers and The Diviners
1. All of the people on this message board who are writing to correct Scott Tobias about who actually directed The Shining are just doing a bit, right?

'Our Long National Nightmare of Peace and Prosperity is Finally Over'
From January 17, 2001, I think this one presciently sums up the past decade.

Supernatural? For Real?
7 out of 10 on this list are actually pretty solid ( I'm not familiar with the Fagen or Crosby solo albums).

Thank You…
…for bringing this to my attention.

So, basically, you're saying that Opeth should experiment with being more conventional?

Six weeks ago Mustaine was needlessly picking fights with Jeff Young. Now he's bringing back Dave Ellefson. Pretty erratic stuff.

Because Opeth is the one of the best bands of the past 15 years, metal or otherwise. Also, dynamics and contrast and hearkening back to a time when bands actually had some range and… wait, getting a 'pass' for 'Burden'? Does Maiden need a 'pass' for 'Remember Tomorrow'? Does Sabbath need a pass for 'The Sign of the

Another Great 'Random Roles'
Corrigan is in about half of my favorite movies of the past 20 years and truly adds something to every one of them.

Trivial, yet utterly depressing
While this function is obviously a completely unimportant matter, nothing quite encapsulates just how disappointing, compromised and tone-deaf this administration has been thus far than the headline 'Jay Leno to Host White House Correspondents' Dinner'.

You're way off.

Congratulations AV Club!
I had no idea this little rag had enough pull to get an interview with a true showbiz titan like this.

You can't intellectualize Kanye West in an effete post-post-modernist 'brow'-neutral manner au courant in contemporary cultural studies on the one hand and then dismiss David Lee Roth as 'not a game changer' on the other when 8,000 heavily Van Halen-influenced hard rock bands formed between the years of, say, 1978