
Joan, Midge
Peggy, Helen
Joy, Bethany
Kitty, Faye

@avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus Bruce Willis is an exception. But I honestly can't think of any others.

You're right! I kind of remember now. It was a lot like in Chaos when Britta went to get the pizza, and Troy watched her walk out.

When did Troy express his attraction to Britta? (I'm not accusing you of lying; I just really don't remember when he did that. It's been a little while since I've seen that episode.)

You're not the only one, and I'm honestly surprised more people haven't mentioned Annie/Troy. Annie's crush on Troy was definitely a big plot in the first season. Then they touched on in at the end of Mixology Certification, and left it there. Maybe everyone has forgotten that they were a thing?

I actually have a couple friends who are into the music but not Community.
That being said, I find there are some chicks (especially young/high school-/college-aged ones) are into him only because they find him attractive. Go to one of his concerts and see what I mean.

Damn, I did the same thing. I don't know why I thought I'd be the first person to do that.

I love this show, but I don't have any friends to discuss it with, so I figured I'd drop a comment.