Jim Rummy

Looks like somebody had a good time in Seattle! Definitely a Fantagraphtastic column…

Is it me
Or is the Highlander concept reminiscent of/a rip-off of Roger Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber fantasy series? Not that Zelazny owns time-traveling immortals, but still…

Handlen and O'Neal could alternate, book for book. Even the Dark Tower series.

that's weird.

Extra comma?
OK I have to nitpick here. I always thought he was referred to as "old long, tall, and ugly." Like, "hey. it's ole Long, Tall, and Ugly." The way O'Neal writes it, it's as if Eddie calls him all of the adjectives: old, long, tall, and ugly. Amiright?

Gotta jump on the heap here. How could you not ask about Flirting With Disaster?!?! Good Lord.

B+ sounds low after one reads the review. B+ is also too low since the book is so awesome. Also, who cares about the letter grades anyway?

what about

more crosstalk
more crosstalk

Ford once said on a talk show that he got a hoop earring in his ear because his pal Jimmy Buffett told him to while they were out to lunch once, and now I can't un-know that.

damn, thanks n murray i need to check these out. comments thread also full of gems. I'm a comics reader who has been unaware of astro city and planetary—how did this happen?!?! AVClub earns stripes yet again.

that is

I work

2 things—

unless i missed it, it seems like nobody mentions how weird it is that geoffrey huddleston (the big lebowski) is the villain bandit in Bad Company (1972) which makes for a trippy viewing experience if you see the movie now, and makes you wonder if the Coens cast him for that reason. 2 amazing films.

good band.

Uhh. Hmm. TomWaits, go deep like that whenever you want. Sure we're all mildly embarassed, but then again, how do you spell embarrased?

I'd say Garp over Meany as a first Irving. If you're not used to Irving-world, all the CAPS-talk and religion of Meany might put someone off.

but a snoozegard would keep you awake, right? Guarding you, as it does, from snooze.
