
I'm laughing, I'm crying a little, I feel simultaneously empty and full. Fuck, I missed AJJ.

Recent example, but one I've gone back to fairly frequently as of late: Captain America: Winter Soldier. Specifically the scene with Alzheimers Peggy and Steve. My grandmother has intense dementia, and my grandfather stood by her side until his literal last breath; somehow, the moment between Peggy and Steve in the

Between Todd and Jughead in the recent Archie revamp, us aces finally have a couple of declared mascots in the media world. I'm damn happy.

That's… that's a fantastic way of describing it. Wow.

Ooor Monekyball. Hazard of death makes all sports more exciting.

His fucking smile during the final 20 meters was golden. Aside from Rio being Rio, this has been a damn thrilling Olympic season.

I was thinking more of an Eric Andre style GAW feel. Just a heavier Black Manta screaming non-sequiturs at an increasingly confused Jason Momoa for a couple of hours.

Gary Anthony Williams pls.

As long as McKinnon and Bennett stay on, I'll keep watching.


My god. Aside from how damn good this show is for SO many reasons, it's totally just worth the watch to see Paul F. Tompkins cut loose in like 12 different directions.

I can't hear James Blake's Retrograde without immediately thinking of the season 2 finale of The 100. I'm almost positive it was never used, but my brain made a skip and inserted it anyways, and it's a damn good fit.

^Whoops. Was mildly drunk. Apologies.

I still listen to Catalina Wine Mixer on a regular basis. I swear to god, these two can do no wrong.

PLEASE MAKE MORE OF THESE. This is absolutely outstanding.

I always manage to fall asleep for the 5 minutes they're handing out snack food. ALWAYS. Pretty sure it's a gypsy curse or something at this point.

The concept of a B-movie has evolved a lot since its inception in the 80's. It's the ethos of camp, a la Sontag's definition, that really highlights a B-movie's value, in my eyes. High production B-movie is definitely not a contradiction, it's more of a child genre of the original B-movie, in my eyes.

I listen to Anus a bit more than is healthy for any sane person, Alaska's my number 2 for sure! But it's specifically that absurd directionlessness that you're talking about that draws me to Katya, I guess. It really matches up with my own sense of humor, so seeing it in a queen is pretty fun. (also, her hand earrings

As I can't downvote myself, thank you for doing it for me, from the bottom of my heart.

All of the actors seemed like they were having a great time, which is a key component of what I love to see in a movie. It really showed, on literally all fronts - like, even Jai Courtney showed a near apocalyptic amount of personality (he had some of the best lines, oddly enough. Calling him a walking tall-boy can of