
It was really fucking fun. That's what I went to see, and it satisfied me with flying colors.

I love everyone, but I'm pulling for Katya. I have never laughed harder at a YouTube series than UNNNNNHHHH.

Are you looking through my window right now?!

While episode four was the artistic height of BoJack, this proved to be one of the most genuinely outstanding episodes out of a comedy show in recent memory (and takes the cake for my favorite BoJack episode by a landslide). That the BoJack team was able to deftly stitch together such an absurd amount of content -be

The first episode was absolutely nuts. Worth a watch for a hardcore popcorn show.

I mean, chances are, you will, come the Batman movie.

Countdown the minutes until Affleck straight-up punches Leto in the face for dicking around.

Just finished a rewatch, crying like a baby.

I've always been partial to Cosoom, but Barsoom is always a true home.

Shitty internet decided not to show said avatar. You're a true hero.

Wholly unrelated, but I've been meaning to ask for a while: is your uname actually a Burroughs reference, for curiosity's sake?

Ayup. But hey, it's a "comic event"! So you have to read "everything" to grasp the "key concepts" of the "series"!

For all intents and purposes, the issue hardcore highlights that Carol is, at her core, a soldier. Considering her current status quo as the head of Alpha Flight under the command of the World Council, she was following orders to test Ulysses' powers when the whole Thanos vision happened; she's on trial in the issue

Dunno if they count as small at this point, but Hinds first album Leave Me Alone blew me away. Just reeks of pure fun. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

…fuck. I think I've tried to bleach most of that movie from my mind.

Personal favorite this year was Jon Lajoie's "Wolfie's Not Dead". Something about it really just clicked with me, I can't really explain it, but I've listened to it as a full album (which I almost NEVER do) an absurd number of times over the past few months.

This week's Captain Marvel REALLY clarified a lot about Carol's headspace, and made her whole position make a hell of a lot more sense. Not that I'd ever argue that it was a remotely good idea to put a key part of CWII's plot in a side issue, buuut, it's a damn good issue anyways.