
Liked for achieving three Achewood references with one post!

In space, no one can hear you scream that this is not Gay Town.

Sean o'Neal And some Regional Krustys

That's right.  Samuel L. Jackson will take a motherfucking pie to the motherfucking face.  Also, maybe some Avengers, depending on how close we are to promoting another movie release!

Lewinsky…didn't like…tacky…spreading…I still had…a chubby…

They'll protect that film's right to be made, right up until its release, at which point they'll demand money from it and otherwise not give a shit about its well-being.  America!

That's the problem with having famous actors/actresses play regular people: the famous people are generally too attractive to pass as regular people, even if the regular people are British royalty.

Well, Our Hero:
-took from the rich and gave to the poor
-stood up to The Man and gave him What For
Ryan Reynolds sure as hell didn't do any of that shit.  And Hero probably did it all without a smirk!

*whistles "How Great Thou Art", cocks sawed-off shotgun*

Fun Fact: When I was in Tacoma for business maybe six weeks ago, we drove by a restaurant on the first night called "Shenanigans".  Naturally, we went there on the third night.  I feel like I deserve a medal for not snickering each time someone said "Shenanigans".

I think I'll pass on this one.  A swordfighting Jesus is a step in the right direction, but that wouldn't get me to go to church, much less pay $8.50 for a movie.

The Hobbit 2: A Hard Hobbit 2 Break

Old Gil has a special exemption.  Look, we all wish we could still have Lionel Hutz, but let's not get into it.  This is why we tolerate Gil, because he had an impossible task to begin with.

Maybe you and Thrace can team up to get a public access cable show.  Like a hipster Boris and Natasha!  Also a little like Dave Attell's "Insomniac".

I think this is like me coming into the office and longing for some food to magically appear in the break room.  It doesn't matter how much I want it, it will never just happen on its own.  Someone needs to die first.

Why the hell don't you have a television network of your own to program?  You'd be great at it.  I mean that.  You could probably get Craig J. Clark to program blocks of respectable cinema if you wanted to go on a bender here and there.

I could go for an extended, grandstanding death scene as voiced by Kelsey Grammer, thank you!  That sounds just lovely.

Yes.  As approximately 90% of commenters here have seen at least the first eight seasons of The Simpsons, we all remember what the show was like.  Do you have any questions that are even slightly challenging?

Al, you're a good dude, but if you keep reposting your comments from twelve years ago, you're going to get in trouble.

meow meow i hate it when you're right meow meow