
I was coming here to post the same thing. I didn't watch the show a lot (it was my daughter's favorite), the first couple of seasons were fun but it went on 3-4 seasons longer than it should have. But when they killed off the mother so Ted could end up with Robin, yeah, I can't even watch the reruns anymore either.

Glen does buy it in the comics, not like they teased on the show but in a particularly gruesome manner. But the show does differ from the comic so who knows

I have to agree with you on that one. I prefer my dog's company over most people.

I don't blame Charisma for getting pregnant but the writers so totally fucked up with her story line. While I always thought hiding a pregnancy behind desks, tables, big coats, etc.rather ridiculous, they should of done that.

I miss Phil Hartman. You're right, they tried but it didn't work. Maybe because of the way he died, it was just too sad.

Part 3 has some good moments (spoiler: when Michael tells Connie she should be in charge because she scares everybody), and could be considered not an awful movie only if you don't compare it to 1 and 2. But how can you NOT compare it and 1and 2 which are soooooooo much better. Though the end always gets to me a

Back in bowl!

RIP Goblin King

That's my favorite line, I'm going to put it on now.