
Yeah, confusion about that particular throat clearing is being discussed above too. I also took it to mean that, but I wasn't aware this was a band of notable hipster scorn either.

I get that. I'm glad we have similar aesthetic opinions on NME and, while I think Congratulations has held up quite well, with a few clunkers, that's not really my point. (And heck, for what it's worth, I think that MLV is a fine album, obviously not on the level of the earlier work, but there's a few good songs. I

That's a fascinating coincidence, because that's the same way I describe your mother's style of lovemaking.

Yeah… that doesn't make any sense. They're a good pop band. They were ALWAYS a good pop band. What exactly was the "so much more" they were supposed to choose in place of "the more commercial route?"

My favorite moment was Miles' "Daniel has been right so far" immediately cut to Daniel's corpse staring blankly at the dirt.

But if Josh Holloway is too old, get that kid who played Boone on the first season of lost. He's actually FROM Louisiana! And he's got a really cool, hollow-cheeket, gambit-esque look.

Here's my hope - somebody gets drunk and accidentally submits "Racial Sensitivity" for an Emmy, and it's brilliant enough that it actually wins, and then they have to pity renew the show.

Like all things, I think this can be explained, at least partially, through Futurama. HE HAS WORMS.

I know this convo is probably dead…
But a pretty good write-up of this show on Slate that touches on a lot we've discussed about this show: Sheldon as autistic, laughing w/ nerds v. laughing at them, and whatnot. I'll try and remember to repost with the new episode next week, because I think it's a fun read:

My Realization
I realized that some part of what I love about this show is things that aren't explained. Leonard's toss away comment about his sleep apnea killing him, or Sheldon's use of gibbon, rather than a more commonly referred-to monkey. In 99 percent of all shows on TV, they would've either taken great pains to

Also, Sara, in a bit of a stretch in terms of real life, Ted has been helping Marshall and Lilly financially the last few months. W know for a fact that he sold his car to help Marshall pay for the renovations, and it's not unlikely to infer that he's been cutting him some slack on the rent too.

The thing is, I remember last season everyone hated the increasing asshat Ted was becoming and wondering what it said about the show, and then suddenly we had Marshall's awesome "we don't need another Barney" takedown. And since we've been talking about Ted's sitcominess lately I was watching, and I think you're