
So true. But I'm getting worried that we have another Robert Jordan on our hands. There is just now way he's wrapping up all those tantalizing plot threads in just one book.

Solid fantasy books to tide you over for when you give up like I have.
NK Jemisin, The Fifth Season
Robin Hobbs, Assassins Apprentice (way more politcky and less stabby-stab than the name implies)
Joe Abercrombie, Sharp Ends (violent, bleaky funny short stories based in his trilogy)
Robert Jackson, City of Stairs

I *think* that your amenities get stretched. Each luxury can only be used in four cities.

I can only read that in Nelson's voice, "I *said* 'Ha-ha'."

There actually was a study (NYT I believe) that asked a variety of religious questions (who was Siddhartha? List the Four Gospels. &c &c) and then grouped the scores by religious affiliation. Mormons scored highest, followed by Jews, with atheists rounding out the medal podium. Last? Southern Baptists.

Maybe this tumblr page will offer a window into his thoughts.

Man what the hell happened.
Some were spellbound, some were hell bound some they fell down and some got back up and fought against the meltdown.

I recently had a revelation of the same. I tiered my booked into my champions, in that if I loaned them out I would actually care enough to hunt down the person and get them back. That actually turned out to be a pretty high bar, only 20 books really cleared that.

I initially read that as "we all bumble aroused confused" and was struck by your wisdom. Also your initial, actual, wisdom is dead accurate as well.

Just destroy all my dreams at once then. Next you'll tell me that Blizzard would put an april fool's joke as a playable race in.

I believe the video was a recreation. It is obviously not in real time, given the giggling and fake odds of success. Raid leaders are too busy reminding people not to stand in fire; it was a real problem in those days.

Oglaf (official unofficial webcomic of savage love avclub) has the clumsy fetish nailed, almost the same thing. Very nsfw

Ah dorne, I hear it's lovely this time of year.

The EGA graphics did 2 no favors, that's for sure.

Amen. Also the only KQ (or QfG) that I ever 100%ed. 6 did the best job of balancing consequences (subpar outcomes, *occasionally* being trapped) with solvability.

Holy crap yes! You ended up with a long string of save files right before making any choice just to restore. Maybe it taught 12 year old me the value of diligence?

I had a Magic: The Gathering poster in my frosh dorm. A girl did see the inside of it, once, but the lights were off. So questions were avoided.

I assume Grimes?

We're virgins* no longer buddy! Next stop, snarky firsties on a Great Job Internet!

I think that was Arena and that was hot garbage.