
Litter Bot - Steve Carrel
Hobo Roomba - Some rapper-of-the-month
City Mouse - Patton Oswalt
RC Car - Larry the Cable Guy

Perhaps there is a way to lure Amelie to this get together? Brainstorm people.

Ok, fine, I get the Williams one. But why the fuck does Lucas receive so much applause? And Kirshner gets one clap and a couple throat-clearings?

Yeah bro, let's get hammered and listen to a director's commentary!

Did anyone else notice….
in that last youtube clip, the amount of applause doled out for Kershner, Lawrence Kadan, John Williams and finally Lucas, was exactly inversely proportional to what it should have been?

There are no bad parts of Eraserhead, so that don't make sense.

I'll be there
the lingering scent of Amelie might still be on you guys

Hey Melie
You did get the tickets to Fela! I sent you, right?

I thought she was writing for the British version?

Heh, because they're both video games

But are you hardcore enough to know where Amelie does her laundry?

Your cock was weak.

He didn't "slap his name" on it. The whole idea came from a poem he had written in college, and he designed the characters and basic story. He just got Danny Elfman to direct it.

Cool. So did you just wash the sock afterward and re-wear it?

How can something be both "semi-clever" and "mindless"?

You remembered liking it so well you misspelled it.

Check out 1:25 as well.

The dream is over,I was dreamweaver,
But now I'm reborn,I was the Fan
But now I'm just a dude. And so dear friends,
You just have to carry on,
The dream is over.

I'll say it again,God is a concept,
By which we can measure,
Our pain,
I don't believe in magic,
I don't believe in I-ching,
I don't believe in bible,
I don't believe in tarot,
I don't believe in Hitler,
I don't believe in Jesus,
I don't believe in Kennedy,
I don't believe in Buddha,
I don't believe in mantra,
I don't believe in

So long
I'm off to slit my wrists while listening to The Cure