Maryland style crab cakes

Breakfast Buzz
I'd go to Burger King every day if they served booze.

Happenings from the 60s and 70s by Alan Kaprow and others were far better.

"Courtesy Jessica Simpson?" I think I got an email from him asking me to help him get his many millions of dollars out of Nigeria.

She's sad because there isn't enough gauzy mesh to make a new outfit that resembles what Britney wore the week before.

It's also a dude.

She would comment about your recent divorce by saying how glad she is your ex-husband is single now because he's "naughty sexy."
She would be found in the kitchen, drunk, just after dinner and going through your refrigerator asking if you have any cans of frosting.
She would criticize your DVD collection by scoffing

Oh come now, she's just a 22 year old college girl who doesn't follow politics. We can't expect her to know anything other than what her heart instincts tell her about heaven.

Jeffrey's mustache is terrifying. But still not as terrifying as Santino's skin tight silver pants.

She married Ryan Reynolds, therefore she does not make good decisions.

@George Liquor

Tasha, I'm with you. I loved the movie, too. I've been a fan of Watchmen since I was 12 and found the book for sale at a garage sale. And ever since then, I've seen the cinematic possibilities. I believe, even in spite of the gratuitous violence, Akerman's wooden face, Goode's wavering American accent, the

I wish to see this movie. Only for Busey as the Dud.

Risk players are alive and well.

Yay! Imagination Christmas!