Backwoods Southern Lawyer

Sean doesn't just get busy, he gets bizaay!!

It says something that there are only 22 comments in this thread as of 12:33 pm Monday. Are that many people abandoning the show?

Grover Cleveland is still my president.

It can't be because his mom is dead.

"The noblest spirit embiggens the smallest man."

Right, the supporters know. They just have such a strong hate for people who are not like them that they think it's worth it to support Twitler. Hence, his announcement today that he wants to curb even legal immigration. The bill isn't going to pass, but Bob Grope needed to throw his cult followers some red meat to

I interpret that to mean that she influenced Spock to join Starfleet years before Discovery's start.

SPOILER ALERT: The Klingons and the Federation eventually make a peace treaty and work closely together.

Too bad this isn't Star Trek where the chief medical officer of the starship can declare the captain medically/psychologically unfit for command.

Spins his web/ any size/ ad nauseum rebooting his franchise/ look out, here comes Spider-Man (for the third time).

Melania plays harmonica solo.

The Long Long Ago.

He so crazy! Bush 41 I mean.

Actually, Trump did appear in a porn. He didn't perform in it but he did appear as himself, for some reason.

Trump is a grandpa at least.

Batman's a scientist.

That's how I feel about Star Trek: Insurrection when Data was playing with that little boy and they had to retread over that tired meme about how Data doesn't understand humanity and how to have fun.

And women have to stop being starship captains. TOS established Starfleet had a ban on women captains in the episode "Turnabout Intruder."

Or maybe she only dates Vulcans? Once you go Vulcan, you never go home sulkin'!

Imzadi is a Betazoid word. Sheesh, everyone knows that!