
Everyone will complain incessantly for about three days and then move on.

I feel like I keep reading the same comment every week.

I'm gay and I watch straight couples make out constantly on TV. I'm never disgusted, irritated or feel like I'm being offended by it.

Yeah, this review was a little too critical.

I feel like this review is punishing the show when it's actually fixing quite a bit. Sure there are some odd transitions, but the show hasn't reminded me of season 1 this much since the beginning of season 2.

I totally agree with you. This episode didn't deserve a C for doing a lot RIGHT

It almost felt like PLL grew up a bit this episode. That or I was just a lot more interested in what was happening. When the show actually gives us a few answers, it is easier to be invested because trying to figure out A or the A team at this point would give anyone a headache.

Considering the season the show had, this was the first episode that actually got me excited about watching again.

As much as I love the soapy elements, there were a LOT of them in the last two episodes. But although it was a little much, I'm still definitely tuning in next season.

Sorry if that came off really negative! It was just something I noticed looking back. I always enjoy the reviews :)

While I agree that the last few episodes have been better, looking back at the reviews for this season, they are pretty solid B's as well. If the earlier episodes were much worse, I don't think the scores are reflecting that.