Also, if I had to choose my username over again, there's a high chance I'd have to go for Eleenor Laveesh.
Also, if I had to choose my username over again, there's a high chance I'd have to go for Eleenor Laveesh.
Also, if I had to choose my username over again, there's a high chance I'd have to go for Eleenor Laveesh.
But it did have a row of twisting, writhing merry murderesses.
But it did have a row of twisting, writhing merry murderesses.
@avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus You really don't want to watch what they do with her ear.
@avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus You really don't want to watch what they do with her ear.
@avclub-d80126524c1e9641333502c664fc6ca1:disqus "You know, you're right. When I do think of you, it is always in a room."
@avclub-d80126524c1e9641333502c664fc6ca1:disqus "You know, you're right. When I do think of you, it is always in a room."
Well, you can't expect a really musical person to enjoy comic songs the way we do….
Well, you can't expect a really musical person to enjoy comic songs the way we do….
@avclub-ba9fab001f67381e56e410575874d967:disqus "The railways have eaten up all the capital and have covered all of Russia as with a spider's web!"
@avclub-ba9fab001f67381e56e410575874d967:disqus "The railways have eaten up all the capital and have covered all of Russia as with a spider's web!"
It sounds like I was a snotty hipster-ish child. My sister is 15 months older than me, and one Christmas Eve when I was five, we were staying up late whispering and giggling in our room. Then I said, "Sh, we have to be quiet so Mom and Dad can put out our presents."
It sounds like I was a snotty hipster-ish child. My sister is 15 months older than me, and one Christmas Eve when I was five, we were staying up late whispering and giggling in our room. Then I said, "Sh, we have to be quiet so Mom and Dad can put out our presents."
I don't like audiobooks, because they're just too slow. But, still, when it comes to Sedaris books: one really ought to hear him sing the Oscar Mayer bologna jingle in the style of Billie Holiday.
I don't like audiobooks, because they're just too slow. But, still, when it comes to Sedaris books: one really ought to hear him sing the Oscar Mayer bologna jingle in the style of Billie Holiday.
"I'm going to have you fired!"
"I'm going to have you fired!"
@avclub-a5f2d8291fa5ba7ef1d2d7e48aa94b39:disqus You, uh, actually don't say "powder" there. You just declaim, "Iocaine!"
@avclub-a5f2d8291fa5ba7ef1d2d7e48aa94b39:disqus You, uh, actually don't say "powder" there. You just declaim, "Iocaine!"