
It really seemed like Jimmy Smits' character was planning on banging Dexter.  That made it a bit more interesting to me, till that got boring, too.

It really seemed like Jimmy Smits' character was planning on banging Dexter.  That made it a bit more interesting to me, till that got boring, too.

As Moriarty said to Holmes.

As Moriarty said to Holmes.

It could go for rides on DJ Roomba.

It could go for rides on DJ Roomba.

Eh, I think they're not uncommon in boys before puberty ramps up.  Or during puberty.  Or after birth.

Eh, I think they're not uncommon in boys before puberty ramps up.  Or during puberty.  Or after birth.

I bet they'd have calmed down faster if their primary caretakers didn't mock and antagonize them while they were sad.

I bet they'd have calmed down faster if their primary caretakers didn't mock and antagonize them while they were sad.

I'm pretty sure a Republican in the 90s got some press for claiming that rape doesn't result in pregnancy because "the juices won't flow."

I'm pretty sure a Republican in the 90s got some press for claiming that rape doesn't result in pregnancy because "the juices won't flow."

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus Here ya go:

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus Here ya go:

@Dr_John_Zoidberg:disqus Yeah, I've said elsewhere that Walt seems like a very Dostoevskyean protagonist, and I think you've articulated really well why: he's trying to take revenge against his life, which he didn't consider good enough for him.

@Dr_John_Zoidberg:disqus Yeah, I've said elsewhere that Walt seems like a very Dostoevskyean protagonist, and I think you've articulated really well why: he's trying to take revenge against his life, which he didn't consider good enough for him.

Maybe he's having trouble with hunks of bloody meat after knowing the kid just got dissolved.

Maybe he's having trouble with hunks of bloody meat after knowing the kid just got dissolved.

But they also grow up to be slender young adults, don't they?

But they also grow up to be slender young adults, don't they?