
It's in Dubly.

It's in Dubly.

Come on, come on; mime is money.

Come on, come on; mime is money.

Is *that* what we ate? *nghrk*

Is *that* what we ate? *nghrk*

I'm sure it would bother him more if he weren't so heavily sedated.

I'm sure it would bother him more if he weren't so heavily sedated.

I don't know from Behind Enemy Lines, but if I had to guess what a Russian guy leading a Chernobyl tour group was wearing, a track suit'd be on the list.

I don't know from Behind Enemy Lines, but if I had to guess what a Russian guy leading a Chernobyl tour group was wearing, a track suit'd be on the list.

Back in 2006, Ukraine's official submission for Oscar consideration was a terrible movie about a girl who loved to dance and who lived in a non-existent orphanage in Prypiat and, on the night of April 26, 1986, happened to go visit the Chernobyl power plant.

Back in 2006, Ukraine's official submission for Oscar consideration was a terrible movie about a girl who loved to dance and who lived in a non-existent orphanage in Prypiat and, on the night of April 26, 1986, happened to go visit the Chernobyl power plant.

I titled a paper on Stavrogin in Dostoevsky's Demons "Master of His Domain," since Stavrogin kept trying to demonstrate his mock-worthy petty-demon power and also claimed to have given up masturbation.

I titled a paper on Stavrogin in Dostoevsky's Demons "Master of His Domain," since Stavrogin kept trying to demonstrate his mock-worthy petty-demon power and also claimed to have given up masturbation.

He was hilarious in Out of Sight.

He was hilarious in Out of Sight.

@DesertDweller76:disqus I don't guess we know whether Mycroft really is stupid enough to spill a
bunch of true information about his brother to Moriarty in exchange for trying to get information about an obviously non-existent computer code, and then let Moriarty go… but
I like to think he isn't.

You know, I'm probably in part not so bothered by Mycroft slash just because I'd read a little bit of it before I'd even seen the show.  So I got used to the idea before the creepiness was solidified in my head.  (This also meant I read some stories imagining Sherlock as Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Recreation, since

You know, I'm probably in part not so bothered by Mycroft slash just because I'd read a little bit of it before I'd even seen the show.  So I got used to the idea before the creepiness was solidified in my head.  (This also meant I read some stories imagining Sherlock as Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Recreation, since

I agree that Gatiss-playing-Mycroft doesn't seem attractive.  Somehow his hairstyle and perma-sneer combine to make him seem like a giant creepy doll or something.