
Yes, that was such a big problem with her suspicions.  You don't have to be diabolical to decide not to let a kidnapping victim see your face!  And, if she does, you don't have to volunteer to go interview her at the police headquarters!

I'm actually trying to figure out how this Sherlock comes across to some people as worse to women than he is to people in general, because I've heard that criticism before.  And I'm generally pretty sensitive about misogyny, and I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to criticism on that end of this

I'm actually trying to figure out how this Sherlock comes across to some people as worse to women than he is to people in general, because I've heard that criticism before.  And I'm generally pretty sensitive about misogyny, and I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to criticism on that end of this

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Yeah, I don't think the show makes it totally clear exactly how Lestrade ended up in his supervisor's office, in between cutting to Moriarty's taxi-video fairy tale and Sherlock climbing over his furniture and all that. But Anderson totally undermined Lestrade once they

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Yeah, I don't think the show makes it totally clear exactly how Lestrade ended up in his supervisor's office, in between cutting to Moriarty's taxi-video fairy tale and Sherlock climbing over his furniture and all that. But Anderson totally undermined Lestrade once they

I thought the music choice was kind of hilariously cliched.  All sort of Clockwork Orangey and then Thomas Crown Affairy.

I thought the music choice was kind of hilariously cliched.  All sort of Clockwork Orangey and then Thomas Crown Affairy.

I'm guessing the show does mean for Moriarty to be dead, but, the way they showed it—he really doesn't have to be.

I'm guessing the show does mean for Moriarty to be dead, but, the way they showed it—he really doesn't have to be.

@avclub-8dc6e36c3ea08f889b6ed2b9570dd6a6:disqus Yeah, I do think John can do a great poker face when it's tied in with being a badass.  Because he actually is pretty badass.  But I don't think he's very capable of dissembling or otherwise maintaining a fiction for very long at all.

@avclub-8dc6e36c3ea08f889b6ed2b9570dd6a6:disqus Yeah, I do think John can do a great poker face when it's tied in with being a badass.  Because he actually is pretty badass.  But I don't think he's very capable of dissembling or otherwise maintaining a fiction for very long at all.

Freeman's terrific in this.  (And he is the one who won the BAFTA for the show!  So good on him.)

Freeman's terrific in this.  (And he is the one who won the BAFTA for the show!  So good on him.)

Oh, she and Anderson did go over Lestrade's head.  Did that get cut out of the PBS version?  Boo.

Oh, she and Anderson did go over Lestrade's head.  Did that get cut out of the PBS version?  Boo.

I think it's really, really terrible for John, too.  But, well, maybe it wasn't just that John had to make it look real there in the moment.  In large part, if John hadn't been there to see it, he'd probably have insisted on participating in an investigation afterward—establishing for certain what had really happened.

I think it's really, really terrible for John, too.  But, well, maybe it wasn't just that John had to make it look real there in the moment.  In large part, if John hadn't been there to see it, he'd probably have insisted on participating in an investigation afterward—establishing for certain what had really happened.

Right, Sherlock got a brainwave when Molly said "I don't count."  Abed-like, he saw her value then.

Right, Sherlock got a brainwave when Molly said "I don't count."  Abed-like, he saw her value then.

Their timing was so great in that bit.