
Shippers wouldn't say that there, just because Sherlock was being transparently evil. Ish.

Yes.  It was fun seeing how proud and pleased Sherlock was, too.  "That's my little flatmate.  He's quite useful.  And a bit butch."

I like Benedict Cumberbatch's take on it in Cabin Pressure:

But quite quickly!

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Sure, it could be the Rupert Graves crush, but a Rupert Graves crush is always right.

"Jack, don't tell me you're one of those 'convenient Catholics' who only goes to church every Sunday."

I really would have expected most people of a certain age to get Krang references.  I dunno, maybe it's just that I have a little brother.


Molly also has a blog.  One of the kitteniest things ever.

Agree—I think, to his mind, he has a sibling-like relationship with her, where he gets to say horrible things in the name of teasing.  It's not supposed to actually hurt her!

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Ooh, ooh!  Turn ThisIsNotAnInternetMeme into Benedict Cumberbatch and ask again, eh?

"She's an intelligent, perceptive, capable woman"

Yup.  Rummaging through their closets, the handmaiden (or whatever) putting blood-red lipstick on Adler's mouth, John punching Sherlock in the face.

Moriarty coyly smiles over how naughty he is so much more than Adler.  Oh, man.  So much more.

@avclub-e1b39c7fa22304c2ee8919ac378c3d42:disqus  Yeah, on one of the commentaries, they say it's nice to think Mary was calling John "James" because his middle name's Hamish, rather than thinking ACD couldn't manage continuity.

Two episodes from now, I feel like Mycroft *has* to know about what Sherlock's doing.  It doesn't make sense otherwise.

Was it eyeballs as a sex toy?  I'm recalling (quite possibly mistakenly) eye sockets.  I was picturing him fucking his skull through the holes that were his eyes.

If you pull it out, America deflates.

"That's not a no—"
(walking away) "No."

He's stuck in that awkward gap between sizes for humans and sizes for mythical beasts.  He goes ahead and buys the mythical beast clothes and keeps telling himself he's going to get them tailored.