
@avclub-2bc89f96d5af36cd7c598b934297491f:disqus  Re: Yoshida's reviews: It almost sounds as though someone's been putting pills in her jelly beans.

@avclub-17c3613df50203d147fc87ccd0f1436d:disqus  Well, it's hearsay.  But I know a guy who worked for the Navy, and apparently his father-in-law likes NCIS.  Because whenever he visits, he goes, "Hyuck hyuck, is it wrong that I tell people you work for NCIS?  Like the show?"

Spoilerish, I guess….

@avclub-63706c2231765ca840e9a60a76fae00a:disqus If I'm remembering The Dark Knight well enough, the movie still ended with, "Oh, poor noble Batman.  We'll have to hide how gloriously he protects us from the people because they can't handle the truth."

@avclub-11ab8d1653073d047c16ede5947fc64d:disqus If that really is your name…

@avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus You want a MORTICIAN! You want a MORTICIAN!  You want a mortician…

Всё ясно!

It probably changed our lives so much we forgot we ever heard it.

Yes.  And, yet, still, it wouldn't bother me as much if Braff's voice wasn't so damn cutesy.

@avclub-b10ec5bd6b2d491d3a1fb43631adf750:disqus  You are a Tigertone, sir!

Hey, Charlie, I'm pregnant, living on 9th Street

Sing out a Te Deum when you see that ICBM.

No, I totally get what NRR is saying.  I was really disappointed when I watched Brie on Craig Ferguson's show, because every time it seemed like she wasn't sure how to respond to a question or quip, she'd just do her sex-kitten thing.  It wore thin.

Why, Disqus, why?

I'm in DC.  I work for the gubmint, but this year they gave me a university fellowship, so I'm avoiding studying for exams.

"you had to admire his tenacity and envy his eloquence"

But is it as gay as the first movie?  I don't think it could be gayer.

I honestly don't understand how anyone finds Matthew Morrison good-looking.  I watched some Glee in the first season, and I fully understood every impulse Sue had to rid the world of his smug face and creepy hair.

Mooooooooooon river!

He keeps himself busy making babies with Lisa Bonet.  He might not have thought Bulgarian bodydouble sex was worth it.